Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat has given a big gift to the sadhu saints of Uttarakhand on the occasion of his birthday just one month after assuming the chair. Tirath Singh overturned the decision of the previous Trivendra Singh Rawat government and freed 51 temples from the Devasthanam board. This decision can have far-reaching consequences. This demand is already rising all over the country, especially in the southern states. There are many temples with which the history of the country is associated. The account of crores of rupees is also attached to the temple’s management. Bhaskar Dimari, who was a prominent figure in the movement of priests against the government’s annexation, said that on April 7, we met Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat in Delhi and demanded to free the temples in Uttarakhand from the Devasthanam board. He not only assured us to withdraw this decision but also said that when the government does not occupy the churches and mosques, then it is completely wrong to capture the temples.